
Surah: 027 - Ayah: 030

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It has already been mentioned that Bismi’llah is a verse from the text of the Qur’an (27:30), in connection with the story of Hadrat Sulayman. The Queen of Sheba said (when she received the letter from Hadrat Sulayman): “O chieftains! Lo! There has been thrown unto me a noble book. Lo! It is from Sulayman, and it is: Bismi’llahi’r-rahmani’r-rahim”. In this story, God, the Absolute Wise, has called the world of unveiling of the Queen of Sheba “a noble book”, and [her] miraculous conception (tasawwur) and imagination (khayal) “Bismi’llahi’r-rahmani’r-rahim”, which was a subsidiary miracle of the hidden dhikr of the Supreme Name given [to her] by Hadrat Sulayman.

Du'a Essence of Ibadat (12)

This verse has been referred 1 times.