
Surah: 028 - Ayah: 076

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The Wise Qur'an is the greatest world of knowledge and wisdom. It contains the traces of the religious and spiritual prosperity and the destruction of the people of the past. Thus let us see the ruins of the destruction of Qarun (Korah), about which the Qur'an says: "And We gave him so many treasures that the keys thereof would verily have been a burden for a troop of mighty men" (28:76). Qarun was one of Hazrat Musa's people, to whom the spiritual wealth was revealed and with whose keys a mighty group of souls had come in front of him. But Qarun did not know the wisdom of giving the zakat of knowledge, due to which he was ruined. This is an example of the law of God, how and where He hides His higher and lower treasures.

Precious Treasures 34

This verse has been referred 1 times.