
Surah: 029 - Ayah: 040

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One of the wisdom-filled words of the holy Qur’an is as-sayhah, which is mentioned in thirteen places. As-sayhah means cry, outcry, clamour, which is related to the sur of Israfil, may peace be on him. Thus it is mentioned in the Qur’an that, many wayward and disobedient people are destroyed by this outcry (29:40). When such is the power of the voice of the sur of Israfil, why cannot the voice of the speech of God, namely the Qur’an, destroy all those germs of a mu'min, which come to him from the Satan? This proof makes the reality of Qur'anic healing as bright as the world-illumining sun.

Book of Healing (55)

This verse has been referred 1 times.