
Surah: 029 - Ayah: 043

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related refs 3:7

All the similitude mentioned in the Qur'an has the same principle and the same object, and this can be understood from this verse: "As for these similitude, We coin them for mankind, but none grasp their meaning save the people of knowledge (al-alimun)" (29:43). In this verse you can clearly see that the similitude which are coined to make the people understand, their being from among the equivocal verses (mutashabihat), the people cannot understand them by themselves. Therefore, it is indicated here that, in order to understand them, they should have recourse to such ulama', who know the meaning (mamthul) of the similitude (mithal). Such ulama' are only the holy Imams.
From this many wisdoms are revealed: First, all higher realities, which are above the comprehension of the people, are described in the form of similitude. Secondly, in order to understand the similitude, it is necessary to have recourse to the Imam of the time. Thirdly, all the Qur'anic similitude come under this law. Fourthly, so long as the Qur'an exists in this world and the people need to understand the secrets of its tawil, the chain of Imamat has to exist and continue in this world. Fifthly, these ulama are the ones on whom God has conferred the title of "risikhun fil-ilm (those who are firm in knowledge)" (3:7) at the place of ta'wil.

Precious Treasures 22

Togetherness of Intellect and Knowledge: The learned know well that the illuminations of the Light of Intellect are called knowledge. Nevertheless for the sake some students, it is necessary to show the verse in which intellect and knowledge are used in the same sense. The verse is “ As for these similitudes, we coin them for mankind, but only the possessors (alimun) of knowledge understand (yaqiluha) them” (29:43). These alimun or ulama are the Imams of Ahl-I bayt (a.s.).

Pure Intellect 36

Alim or Aqil: In the Mighty Qur’an the Intellect or aql is praised directly or indirectly everywhere. Rather, it should be understood that from the beginning to the end of the Qur’an is spread only the subject of the Intellect, because it was the first creature and also is the last one. Therefore it has many names both apparent and hidden, many synonyms and antonyms and also all examples are related to it. Thus although knowledge comprises everything its fountainhead id Intellect. Therefore, praise of knowledge is in fact praise of Intellect itself. Thus in the Qur’an by the ulama (pl. of alim) are meant uqala (pl. of aqil) (29:43). And they are the Imams who know the wisdom of the Wise Qur’an and its similitudes (29:43).

Pure Intellect 35

Ta'wil (Mamthul :The meaning of mathal (parable, allegory))

The tanzil is the mithal (symbol or allegory) and the ta'wil is the mamthul or the meaning of the symbol or allegory. There is no doubt that it is the progeny of the holy Prophet who know the meaning of the allegories and parables of the Qur'an after him and in this sense they are called the custodians of ta'wil (29:43). (Daca'im, I, 22-23).

Thousand Wisdoms 188 (105)

This verse has been referred 3 times.