
Surah: 030 - Ayah: 027

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related refs 18:109, 16:96

If you think with open-mindedness whether the Quran, as the speech of God, should be limited or unlimited, then a satisfactory answer to question will be found in verses XXX: 27 and XVIII: 109, where God says: “And if all the trees in the earth were pens, and the sea, with seven more seas to help it, (were ink), the words of Allah could not be exhausted.” “Say: Though the sea, become ink for the words of my Lord, verily the were sea would be used up before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even though we brought the like thereof ton help.” If you thing logically you can ask if it is possible for whatever is with God, to be exhausted. Is it not still with God exactly in the same status as it was in pre-eternity (azal)? Regarding this the Qur’an itself says: “What is with you exhausted itself and what is with God remains (forever)”. (XVI:96). This means although the Qur’an was first manifested as a result of the command of “kun” in the form of the Qalam-I ilahi (the Divine Pen) in its luminous state, it still remained in the word “kun”, I.e. the universal command (amr-I kull) without any change in the Qur’an’s state of command (amri kayfiyyat), for the command of “kun” is the source of all possible existents (mumkinat) eternally and sempiternally, which never becomes devoid of them.

The Holy Quran in the ism-i azam 3-4

Mithal-i Bartarin (Supreme Similitude): God, the Knowing, the Wise, in order to teach knowledge and wisdom to His chosen servants has made a most comprehensive similitude, which is both in the heavens and on the earth. In the heavens it is the Intellect and here it is the mazhar of the Intellect (30:27). It is a certain reality that it is the king of all parables, allegories, symbols and allusions of the entire universe and existents. It is the Light of the Qur’an, namely, the Pen of Intellect. In the batin (esoteric aspect) of every similitude there is one of the manifestations of knowledge of it. Whether this similitude is in the heavenly Book, or in the external world or in the internal world, the wisdom of it is hidden in everything and everything returns to it.

Pure Intellect 19

This verse has been referred 3 times.