
Surah: 032 - Ayah: 017

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Qurrat ayun (Coolness of the eyes)

In verse (32:17) the bounties of paradise are mentioned as follows: "No one knows what coolness of the eyes is kept hidden (ukhfiya) for them." From "ukhfiya (is kept hidden)" it becomes evident that paradise is not far; it is in front of us, i.e. it is in the personal world, but it is veiled.

With respect to the coolness of the eyes, there can be three allusions such as: (a) all the bounties of paradise, (b) in paradise every wish related to children will be fulfilled, (c) for eyes there is every scene and every vision. However, God’s visions and manifestations are so sublime that it is only He Who can duly describe and praise each of His manifestations and visions.

Thousand Wisdoms 689 (366)

This verse has been referred 6 times.