
Surah: 033 - Ayah: 038

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An explanation of the Divine sunnat (law) is extremely important, for, in its true recognition (marifat), are hidden the keys to many revolutionary concepts. Sunnat means habit, path, custom, practice, usage, rule of wisdom, or the Divine law, for as is mentioned in the Qur'an: "The (same) sunnat (habit or law) of God has also continued in those who have passed away before, and God’s command (amr) is ordained with measurement" (33:38). That is, the real recognition of the Divine law is hidden within the Prophets and Imams, and the occurrence of the (action of) the word of command is possible after the completion of the ordained quantity of knowledge and ibadat (worship).

Sweet Smelling 41

This verse has been referred 1 times.