
Surah: 036 - Ayah: 055

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Shughul (Work, business)

It is said in verse (36:55): "Verily, today the people of paradise have joy and comfort in what they do." For instance, the work of teaching those people who are brought to paradise by the force of the sur of Israfi

Thousand Wisdoms 474 (253)

It is mentioned in verse (36:55): "Verily, on that day the people of Paradise (according to their ranks) will have joy in what they do." In the light of this Divine teaching, we can say that the best activities in Paradise will be concerning the intellect, understanding, knowledge and wisdom. In fact, there will be many activities, but one special activity has to be the teaching of true knowledge, because there are ranks of knowledge in Paradise. Further, the people of the entire world will be brought to Paradise by force. Since they will have no knowledge, they will be taught gradually.

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (151)

This verse has been referred 2 times.