
Surah: 036 - Ayah: 057

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related refs 36:58,

In the verses (36:57-8) God sys: “In it (paradise) are fruits for them and whatever they ask for is present for them; a word from a Merciful Lord". Here by a word is meant the Divine Word (kalimah-I bari), which is the light of ta'yid. Thus in paradise are provided numerous kinds of fruits for the intellect, the soul and the subtle body. Further, the people of paradise receive everything they desire. For instance, in paradise, in the light of the knowledge of the secrets of the soul, they want tu find themselves in the abode of peace without any beginning and end. The limited and wrong concept of life, which they had in this world, was as baseless as a painful dream, so that when one wakes up from such a dream, one is grateful that the pain in that dream has no permanent existence. Such will be the state in paradise the people of paradise will come to know that they were already there, in peace. This is because of the fact that their higher I (ana'-i ulwi) has never come to this world; only the lower I (ana'-i sufli) has descended here. The example of the higher I and the lower I can be given from the sun and its rays, namely, that the sun is in its own place, it does not come down to this world, but its rays can reach everywhere.

Precious Treasures 68

Yadda'una(They ask/will ask for)

It is said in verse (36:57): "For them in it (paradise) is fruit, and for them there is whatever they ask for." This shows that in paradise everything is available according to one’s desire and demand and nothing is impossible. However, how can the desire for higher bounties be created without knowledge, recognition and good deeds?

Thousand Wisdoms 978 (509)

This verse has been referred 2 times.