
Surah: 037 - Ayah: 008

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According to the Quranic story when Hazrat Musa saw the “ Fire of Mount Sinai” (Fire = theophany) the first time and heard the revelation, he came to know that inside and surrounding, i.e. special proximity, of that extremely holy fire, many fortunate souls had become fana and many others were becoming fana in it (37:8). If we accept that this fire was the rank of the light of guidance (nur-I hidayat), namely, the light of the true guide (hadi-I barhaqq) and not that of the Divine essence (dhat-I Subhan), as the verse indicates, then the path to the realities and gnoses (haqa iqu maarif) will be clear and it will be easy for us to say and to understand that the souls of the mumins are attached to the holy light, which is in this world as God’s vicegerent, in varying degrees. An understandable and salient example of the light is fire. The lovers of the light (nur) in their soul are like iron pieces, some of them, it is said, were turned into red cinders in this luminous fire and some others were close to it in grades and as a result they had attained what they deserved to attain, namely, light and heat. Light and heat have thousands of meanings and innumerable qualities, as they are not limited like material things.

Pearl Of Marifat (Part 1) 25

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