
Surah: 037 - Ayah: 045

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Ka's (Wine-cup, goblet)

It is said in verse (37:45): "A goblet from a spring of wine (ma'in) is brought round for them." Wherever in the holy Qur’an the wine of paradise is mentioned, it means the true love which is aroused by the Divine vision, which according to "Everyday He is in a (different) splendour" (55:24), necessitates different manifestations. This means that mazhar and mazahir (locus and loci of manifestation) are the attributive names of God.

Check a dictionary for the explanation of the word "ma'in", which is the past participle of "ayna - ya'inu", which means to possess eyes with wide pupils. Therefore, here there is an allusion to the wine of vision (sharab-i didar) which is the wine of love. Further when it is used as an adjective of water, it means the spring which flows on the surface of the earth and is seen with the eyes.

Thousand Wisdoms 702 (374)

This verse has been referred 1 times.