
Surah: 037 - Ayah: 079

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related refs 27:59, 37:109, 37:120, 37:181,

Salam (Peace, protection)

God says in verse (37:79): "Peace be upon Nuh among the people of the world." Since all people do not send peace upon Hazrat Nuh, therefore it is important to understand its ta'wili wisdom which is very concise but most comprehensive, which is that “there is peace upon Hazrat Nuh in every personal world”. That is, the spiritual or luminous record or movie of the spiritual science of Hazrat Nuh is safe and preserved intact in the personal world.

Thousand Wisdoms 439 (237)

Q231 What is the ta’wil of verse (37:79): “Peace is on Noah among the [personal] worlds”?

A231 The ta’wil of this verse is that Hazrat Noah(c) is alive and safe with his spiritual miracles in every personal world. Similarly, Hazrat Abraham(c) (37:109), Hazrat Moses(c) and Hazrat Aaron(c) (37:120), Hazrat Al-i Ya-Sin (Al-i Muhammad(s), 37:130) and all Messengers (37:181) with their Prophetic miracles are alive and safe in each and every personal world, as are all the chosen servants of God (27:59).

Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (113)

This verse has been referred 4 times.