
Surah: 037 - Ayah: 130

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Salam (Eternal peace, source of protection)

God says in verse (37:130): Peace be upon “Il-Yasin". Regarding “Il-Yasin” there are two readings: One is “Ilyas". In that case it means: There is peace upon Hazrat Ilyas in all personal worlds. The other is “Ali Ya-Sin”, i.e. “Ali Muhammad (s.a.s.). The ta'wil in the latter case is that there is peace on the progeny of Muhammad (s.a.s.) in every personal world. There is no doubt that ali Muhammad (s.a.s.) is the manifest Imam as well as the actual personal world. Therefore, he is both peace and the source of peace from God (36:12), other than whom there is no personal world.

Thousand Wisdoms 442 (239)

This verse has been referred 5 times.