
Surah: 039 - Ayah: 053

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If a mu'min has too much anger, he should not be disappointed, for despondency is a sin (39:53). Rather he should try to clearly understand the indication from God that for the sake of the greater jihad, he has to fight against his anger everytime, that is, he has to supress his anger. If he does so forty times, God willing, he will be victorious and successful in this field, and God, may He be blessed and exalted, will confer upon him the rank of His sacred friendship.

Book of Healing (214)

La taqnatu (Do not despair)

In verse (39:53) God says: "Do not despair of Allah's mercy." The mercy of God is the Imam of the time after the holy Prophet. (see Rawh Allah)

Thousand Wisdoms 760 (402)

This verse has been referred 2 times.