
Surah: 040 - Ayah: 067

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In his exposition of the intellect, Nasir first of all establishes it as the First Existent (hast-i nukhust) on various grounds. In his Khwan al-ikhwan he argues on the basis of the Qur'anic verse (Qur'an 40:67): "It is He who created you from dust, then from a sperm drop, then from a blood clot, then He brings you forth as a child, then lets you reach your age of full strength, then lets you become old - though some of you die before - and then lets you reach the appointed term; and that haply you may find the intellect (la'allakum taqilun)". Nasir concentrates on the implications of the last phrase and says: "God, after mentioning all these states, says that you may find/reach the intellect (ki aql ra biyabid/ba-aql birasid)." He continues that this is because of the fact that since creation originates with the intellect, inevitably it should return to its origin. He says in his Diwan:
Khirad aghaz-i jahan bud-u tu anjam-i jahan
Baz-gard, ay sara-anjam, badan nik-aghaz

Intellect was the beginning of the world and you its end,
Return, O the one of happy end! to that good beginning 

Thus, when God says that "you may find the intellect", it signifies that the first originated existent was the intellect. Therefore, man, who is the last of the existents, should reach his origin, just as the perfection of a date palm, which originates from a date stone, lies in producing a date stone so that its end may return to its origin. Nasir concludes, "He who benefits from the intellect through the mediation of the hudud- i din, the religious hierarchy, returns to it eventually."

The Position of Aql in the Prose and Poetry of Nasir Khusraw 13

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