
Surah: 042 - Ayah: 037

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In verse (42:37) referring to the mu'mins who have attained the rank of tawakkul (reliance on God), it is said: “And those who shun the great sins and indecencies, and whenever they are angry they forgive (yaghfirun)”. Thus how praiseworthy is an attribute of forgiveness by a believing servant, for this act is spiritually linked with the name Ghafur (Forgiver) and Ghaffar (Oft-forgiver). Although the Divine act comprises both the worlds and the human act is confined within the limits of human access, nonetheless their relation and link is an universally accepted fact. In short, the best medicine and cure for the disease of anger, is to create the habit of forgiveness in oneself, which requires not only knowledge, but also good deed.

Book of Healing (212)

This verse has been referred 1 times.