
Surah: 043 - Ayah: 036

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Dhikr ar-Rahman (The remembrance of the Compassionate God)

It is mentioned in verse (43:36): "And whoever goes blind to the remembrance of Rahman, We assign unto him a devil who becomes his close companion." This is the negative aspect of the human condition. The positive aspect is that a mu'min should remember Rahman abundantly, so that an angel may be assigned to him. Indeed, the exegesis of this verse is the Hadith in which the holy Prophet says that every heart has two ears: near one there is a devil and near the other, an angel.

Thousand Wisdoms 360 (195)

Qarin (Companion)

It is said in verse (43:36): "And whosoever goes blind to the remembrance of the Beneficent, We appoint for him a devil who becomes a (constant) comrade." The wisdom of this verse is revealed by the hadith in which it is mentioned that the heart of every individual has two ears where there are two companions, a devil and an angel. In the case of negligence the devil gets an opportunity to insinuate and in the case of constant Divine remembrance the angel gets an opportunity to inspire good thoughts.

Thousand Wisdoms 691 (367)

Why does the state of the human heart continue to change again and again? How can spiritual diseases be controlled? In order to know this, as has already been mentioned, it is necessary to know that, near the human heart, there are two companions appointed for him: one is the angel and the other is the devil. It is obvious that as a result of Divine remembrance, the angel gets a chance to act, and contrary to it, from its negligence, the devil. As it is said in verse (43:36): “And whoso blinds himself to the remembrance of the Beneficent, to him We assign a devil who becomes his comrade (in every breath)”. The other side of this Divine law is that, whoso remembers God, for him is assigned an angel, so that there should not be any defect in the beauties of Divine justice and equity, that He has sent down, not only disease, but also its medicine.

Book of Healing (68)

If an ordinary person lies down at night to sleep and he cannot sleep for a long time, then this is the disease of sleeplessness, which in medical science is called agrypnia. It is an extremely tormenting disease. Whatever may be its cause physically, in reality, it is the chastisement which occurs due to negligence from the remembrance of God and annoyance of Hazrat `Izra'il. Such a futile and wisdomless wakefulness is a form of Satan, as the holy Qur’an says: “And he whose sight is dim to the remembrance of the Beneficent, We appoint for him a devil who becomes his comrade”. (43:36). From this, the importance and necessity of the work of the power of Hazrat `Izra'il can be well estimated.

Book of Healing (154)

According to the Divine law and the law of wisdom, every individual not only has a personal devil, but also a personal angel, who acts as his guardian. Thus, when a man forgets God and chooses blindness, the angel cannot help him at all, and the devil instantly fires a volley of disturbing thoughts (43:36). (See, Mishkat, I, 42).

Book of Healing (188)

God says: "And he who is blind to the remembrance of God, We assign unto him a Satan who becomes his comrade." (43:36). The pure Imam is the living Supreme Name (ism-i a'zam) of God and His luminous remembrance, because it is from him that mu’mins obtain the light of Divine remembrance, which rescues them from the clutches of Satan. For the Imam of the time is in the position of Ali and is the gate to the city of knowledge and wisdom.

Fruits of Paradise (25)

This verse has been referred 11 times.