Book of Healing - Qur'anic Healing - Germs and the Power of `Izra'il
Germs and the Power of `Izra'il
Tags: Hazrat `Izra'il, Allahu akbar, Taqwa, Bacteria, Germs Sleeplessness, Dhikr, `Ibadat, Nearest Heaven
1. Germs [bacteria, bacilli and microbes] are those micro-organisms which cannot be seen without a microscope. They are both good and bad. An easily understandable example of good germs is the germ of life. Germs also have soul and a short span of physical life, therefore they cannot be excluded from the fixed law of life and death. Further, the way they enter a body, they can also be expelled from it by some means. For the sovereignty of God, the Exalted, has sway over everything, small or big.
2. Although apparently Hazrat `Izra'il, may peace be upon him, is the name of a single angel, but in fact, he is a tremendous army. He is made mu'akkal (in charge, guardian) over mankind (32:11, 6:93), so that he may seize the soul during partial death, complete death, spiritual death, physical death and sleep, etc. It is not the case that the angel of death meets us only at the end of our lives, rather his being mu'akkal or wakil means that he is always with us. Day and night, he is occupied in his activities in the personal world, by which countless needs of man are fulfilled.
3. As all the necessary subjects are prominently mentioned in the wise Qur'an, similarly the subject of subjugation is also mentioned. As it is said: "And He has subjugated to you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth; it is all from Him". (45:13). To understand the correct purport of this subjugation is extremely difficult, rather impossible, except if it is viewed with the eye of the Perfect Man. For, it is only he who is the real standard of humanity. That is to say, unless we are annihilated in the murshid, then in the Prophet, then in God, there will be no observation and experience of the subjugation of the angels and souls of the heavens and the earth. If this is too high to understand, at least at the level of knowledge of certainty, it is necessary to know that according to the allusion of the holy Qur'an (41:31), the friendship and help of great angels is attainable and hence using the power of `Izra'il, the germs of disease can be destroyed or expelled.
4. Why is "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) prescribed as the greatest slogan of the mujahids of Islam from the time of Prophethood till today? Why is there no substitute for it? Why is it recited when a sheep is slaughtered? Why is it in the beginning of the tasbih of Fatimah? The answer to all these three questions is one and that is "Allahu akbar" is the ism-i `azam (Supreme Name) for Hazrat `Izra'il. The mujahids of Islam call out this slogan in order to bring the power of `Izra'il which lies in them, into action against the enemies of Islam. The purpose of saying Allahu akbar when slaughtering a sheep is to invite Hazrat `Izra'il to participate in this act, or to represent him in it. And the purpose of its being in the tasbih of Fatimah is that by the blessing of this great name, the particles of soul, which are worn out due to work, may leave the body and fresh ones take their place, so that the fatigue may be removed and one may feel fresh.
5. From the above explanation, it is clear that the entire work of Hazrat `Izra'il is accomplished through the great names of God, the Blessed, the Exalted. Thus the wise mu'mins are engrossed day and night in the remembrance of God, so that Hazrat `Izra'il, may peace be on him, may befriend them and work for them or the power of `Izra'il may awaken in their personal world. For, everything is in man in the sense in which he is a microcosm.
6. Not only `Izra'il, but all other angels also, always and constantly remember God, (21:19-20) and Prophets and awliya' are like them in doing abundant dhikr-u `ibadat. For in them the light of ism-i a`zam and other beautiful names of God always repeat themselves automatically. In such a state, every great name works like a great angel.
7. The sakinah (=taskin, peace), which is mentioned in (48:26), is the name of complete spirituality and kalimah-yi taqwa, which is mentioned here, means that ism-i a`zam which is related to Hazrat `Izra'il, may peace be upon him, which is other than Allahu akbar. This great name either remembers itself automatically, or the angel of death, namely `Izra'il continuously recites it. In this sense, this name (ism = kalimah) is adhered to the ear of the chosen fortunate mu'mins, so that, in this stage of `Izra'il, they should experience the spiritual death prior to the physical death. There are countless wisdoms in this death and it is the perfect taqwa. During this, the act of seizing the soul is repeated for several days, in which the lower end of the thread of the soul remains linked with the brain and the rest of the body becomes dead every time. Man at this time is neither in the body, nor in the heart, but he finds himself in the brain.
8. In this state, cells and the souls of bacteria cannot escape the deluge of this spiritual death, nor can any disease remain there. From this clear example, it reveals that the power of `Izra'il is that means through which one can get rid of bacteria of every kind of disease. It is not surprising that in future spiritual science may progress to such an extent that all people may pay attention to it and thus cure the incurable diseases. For, just as man is in dire need of material science, he is more so in that of spiritual science.
9. This excellent point should be well remembered that Jibra'ili cure is done by knowledge, Mika'ili by wisdom, Israfili cure by giryah-u zari and Divine love and `Izra'ili cure by effacement and annihilation. The last one is the most effective cure. For the perfect taqwa and complete purification lie only in that a magnificent death happens to soul in this very life. This is a very great miracle, for not only the scene of death, but also a glimpse of the next life is observed in it.
10. To use an example of the act of Hazrat `Izra'il it is like the wisdom-filled poison of spirituality by taking which, evil becomes extinct and the good becomes clear and distinct. But you will definitely say that such a great success and such a great feat is extremely difficult. I agree and say with utmost humility (that if you cannot bear this), then you should keep using the germicidal medicines made with the mixture of the above poison, so that the germs of the carnal soul may die away gradually. What are those medicines? Every word and act, which is extremely bitter for the carnal soul but extremely useful for religion, so that the carnal soul may die partially. For death is both partial as well as total.
11. Angel is the name of a pure soul. He can appear embodied (in human form), in imagination, dream, spirituality and wakefulness, but in reality, it is free from form and limbs. He uses the Divine remembrance as his necessary organs. His hands, feet, tongue and wings are of the same dhikr and `ibadat. Thus if you do abundant dhikr and `ibadat, according to the purport of the wise Qur'an and the religion of Islam, as it ought to be done, which creates Resurrection in your personal world, then due to the abundance of such bandagi, angels will be created in your personal world, and the power of `Izra'il will always continue to work for your benefit. For, you have helped him through your `ibadat of day and night. He who helps an angel in this way, the angel also helps him in the best way.
12. See verse (39:42), in which you can clearly see that the seizing of soul, during the death and sleep of man, is mentioned. Who does this? It is Hazrat `Izra'il who does this by the command of God. Thus the wisdom-filled allusion of this verse is that in all diseases, we must remember God abundantly, with the sincerity of intention and perfect certainty that Hazrat `Izra'il, by causing the state of sleep, will seize the soul of disease or alleviate it. Similarly, he also pulls out the grief and anger of mu'mins in the state of sleep, provided they are in the habit of constant dhikr.
13. If an ordinary person lies down at night to sleep and he cannot sleep for a long time, then this is the disease of sleeplessness, which in medical science is called agrypnia. It is an extremely tormenting disease. Whatever may be its cause physically, in reality, it is the chastisement which occurs due to negligence from the remembrance of God and annoyance of Hazrat `Izra'il. Such a futile and wisdomless wakefulness is a form of Satan, as the holy Qur'an says: "And he whose sight is dim to the remembrance of the Beneficent, We appoint for him a devil who becomes his comrade". (43:36). From this, the importance and necessity of the work of the power of Hazrat `Izra'il can be well estimated.
14. The patterns of all great things which are in the macrocosm and all those events which take place there, are found in the microcosm (personal world). For instance, if there are Throne, Dais and seven heavens, then here are the head like the Throne, neck like the Dais, shoulder like the seventh heaven, arm like the sixth heaven, wrist like the fifth heaven, palm and its back like the fourth heaven, phalanx of the finger rooted in the palm like the third heaven, the middle phalanx like the second heaven and the phalanx with the nail is the first or nearest heaven. Thus, as the nearest heaven of the macrocosm prevents devils from going upwards by throwing flames upon them (67:5, 72:8), similarly, during dhikr-u `ibadat, the first heaven (i.e. phalanx with nail) repels those devils and bacteria, which come from the side of the feet, by casting flames upon them. For, there are the lamps of protection in them (37:6-7, 41:12).
15. This old belief has begun to be proven in the light of modern science also that, there is the constant manifestation of the halo of light around the pure body of every Prophet and every wali. In fact, it appears from other human beings also, but the halo of light of the Perfect Men is definitely very superior, for as is clear from article No. 28, "Concept of the Waves of Light", Prophets and awliya' are surrounded by light from all sides, so that they may be protected and kept safe from every evil. The aura or halo which emits from the fingers acts like the shooting star of the above-mentioned nearest heaven and destroys the bacteria of devils with the flames. But how can this be possible without faith, `ibadat and knowledge?
1 Dhu'l-hijja, 1406
8th August, 1986.
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