
Surah: 043 - Ayah: 060

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related refs 24:55, 29:56, 39:10,

Q.8. Please explain the wisdom of verse (43:60): "Had We pleased, We would have made angels from you to be (your) successors (yakhlufun) in the earth."\\

A. First wisdom: This is an allusion to the pure Imams, because it is they who are earthly angels and Khalffahs from among mu mins and each one of them has an ibdai body as well.
Second wisdom: When true mu'mins attain the sublime rank of "fana' fil-lmam (annihilation in the Imam)" through knowledge, ibadat and spiritual progress, they are also made earthly angels and vicegerents (khulafaā€¯, 24:55). Third wisdom: Every person in himself is a world potentially, the khilafat of which is given to him, provided he fulfils the condition of obedience.
Fourth wisdom: In the endless vastness of this universe, there are countless worlds of stars and subtle creatures and in each one of them, it is possible to establish a paradisiacal vicegerency or khilafat.
Fifth wisdom: The highest heaven is the Universal Intellect and the most spacious earth is the Universal Soul and God has the absolute power to make the Universal Soul appear in the personal world of every individual. Thus, the mumin who becomes annihilated in the "Face of God" receives the vicegerency and kingdom in the earth of the Universal Soul (the earth of God, 29:56; 39:10) by the grace of God.

Spring Of knowledge 58

This verse has been referred 2 times.