
Surah: 043 - Ayah: 070

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Q. It is mentioned in the Qur'an: "Enter Paradise, you and your spouses, where you hear melodies" (43:70). Is this translation in Mawlana Shah Muhammad Jafar Phulwarwi's book "Islam awr Musiqi" p. 19, correct?
A. Yes, this translation is absolutely correct. See also p. 20 of the same book, verse (30:15): "Those who believed and did good deeds will be listening to melodies in a garden".

Psalm of lovers 35

Some zahiri (exotericist) ulama adduce the proof of music in Paradise from the verse: “Udkhulu….tuhbarun” translating it as “Enter the Paradise, you and your wives, to be made to hear melodies.”(43:70). Their translation of this verse is correct. There are other verses which also imply that there are melodies in Paradise. For example: “And therein is all that souls desire and eyes find pleasurable”. (43:71). It is evident that in Paradise are all things that man likes, including music and melodies for the human soul.

Pearls of marifat 82

Q384 We recognise the miracle of knowledge of the Imam from the progeny of the holy Prophet and are profoundly grateful to him. However, we still have some important questions regarding this treasure of secrets. What is the correct translation and wisdom of verse (43:70): “Udkhulu’l-jannata antum wa azwajukum tuhbaruna”?


  • “Enter the paradise, you and your wives, to be adorned”. That is, you will be granted the luminous body in which lie the wonders and marvels of elegance and beauty.
  • It is evident from this that the wives of mu’mins also become houris.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (184)

This verse has been referred 1 times.