
Surah: 044 - Ayah: 056

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The Wise Qur'an says that for the people of Paradise, there is no death, except the one experienced in this world (44:56). Here one can also ask: What were the attires of Adam and Eve which Satan stripped from them (7:27), the physical ones or the Paradisiacal ones (i.e. astral body)? If the answer is that they were the living attires of Paradise (ibdai shirts), then this most wonderful and key question arises: Is it that great secret in which is hidden the wisdom of man's meeting and then separating from his higher "I"? Yes, it is this secret. But one should not think that the spiritual attire is like the physical attire which is on the surface of the body. It is not so, but is related to the soul, and therefore, it mingles with the soul like sugar and milk. Because it is both the subtle body as well as the higher soul. If one is pressed to provide an example, then it can be likened to or compared with a jinn, which can both control and leave the human mind and heart.

Rubies and Pearls 40

In verse (44:56) it is said: "They shall not taste death therein save the first death." That is, in Paradise there is no spiritual death. That has already happened in worldly life either directly or indirectly and either one is conscious or unconscious of it. In Paradise, one only observes this great feat and has the pleasure of the knowledge of it.

Fruits of Paradise (163)

This verse has been referred 1 times.