
Surah: 045 - Ayah: 028

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Now keeping in view the examples of material science, it is necessary to pay more and more attention to spiritual science, namely Qur'anic science. For instance, you see that nowadays, every important event is preserved by filming it, so that, when it is needed it may be shown on television, without any increase or decrease. Thus, in the light of the Qur’an, it is my belief that the record of deeds belongs not only to individuals, but also to every nation and every community, see verse (45:28). Thus, from the beginning to the end, the records of deeds of all communities and their revealed Books, are preserved in the form of the film of spirituality and the scattered book (17:13). For instance, how the Torah was revealed, what were the states of its revelation and how did the community of Hazrat Musa, in their national life act upon this heavenly code of life, all this is completely recorded in the collective record of the deeds of the Jews.

Book of Healing (57)

This verse has been referred 3 times.