
Surah: 046 - Ayah: 015

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Wisdom of Forty Years: The Holy Prophet received Prophethood at the age of forty years. The tawili wisdom of this is that forty hudud had worked in the world of religion before him. They are the Natiq, Asas and six Imams of each of the five cycles and thus the time of forty hudud (8x5=40) had elapsed (before he received Prophethood), for as the Holy Qur'an says: "When he attains his maturity and reaches forty years ..." (46:15).

Rubies and Pearls 96

Arbacina hadda (Forty hudud (ranks) of religion)

When the holy Prophet completed forty years of age, he received revelation, as alluded in verse (46:15). The extremely great wisdom of this number is mentioned in the Sara'ir (p. 83), as follows: The first natiq, his wasi and six Imams together are eight, and this law continues in the case of every natiq. Thus there were forty great hudud of the five natiqs from Hazrat Adam up to the advent of the holy Prophet. This was the reason why the holy Prophet was granted Prophethood after forty years. That is, when the forty Hudud of religion had worked for the purpose of his advent.

Thousand Wisdoms 41 (38)

According to the Kitab-i Sara’ir2, the blessed and wisdom-filled verse (46:15) is revealed about the holy Prophet: “ When he attains maturity and reaches the age of forty”.

In addition, there is also a great ta’wil of the cycle of resurrection here. It is: When Hazrat Mawlana Sultan Muhammad Shah, salawatu’llahi calayhi, reached forty years, the supreme light of the Lord of resurrection shone on his light of Imamat, due to whose grace and blessings the revolutionary progress of spiritual and material science started. It is because of this that we discuss about their junction.

The perpetual junction of spiritual and material science is in the most comprehensive (jamicu’l-jawamic) example of the pearl of Intellect and hidden Book.

Confluence of Spiritual Science and Material Science (13)

This verse has been referred 1 times.