
Surah: 047 - Ayah: 012

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The wise Qur’an says: “And those who disbelieve take their comfort in this life and eat as the cattle eat”. (47:12). This heavenly teaching necessitates reflection, so that the wise may observe the animals around them and analyse their habits, how vile and low they are in eating, drinking and living and how far they have gone in selfishness and gluttony. This example is given so that man may deduce from it useful conclusions for himself and may appreciate the level of humanity practically, so that he may take ample share from every kind of health and from every bounty of religion. As for the animals, they are compelled by the power of the animal soul, therefore, we cannot blame them for that.

Book of Healing (47)

One kind is called nasihat in which someone is advised directly concerning his well being and the other is called cibrat, in which someone is advised indirectly through the examples of others. The wise Qur’an abounds in both nasa'ih (pl. of nasihat) and cibar (pl. of cibrat). In verse (47:12) it is said: “And those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and eat as the beasts eat”. In this verse, on the one hand, there is nasihat (exhortation) and on the other there is cibrat (warning). The example of animals, such as cow, goat, camel, horse, donkey etc., is given, and layer upon layer of marvellous wisdoms are hidden in this wisdom-filled example, which cannot be fully explained. Nonetheless, a brief exposition of this example, from the viewpoint of Qur’anic medicine, is as follows....

Book of Healing (207)

This verse has been referred 4 times.