
Surah: 051 - Ayah: 022

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There is not only sustenance in heaven, but also everything which has been promised (51:22).

Book of Healing (110)

It is mentioned in verse (51:22): "And in the heaven is your sustenance and that which you are promised." This verse indicates that Paradise is in heaven, from where the soul of every sustenance comes to the earth, so that physical bounties of numerous kinds may be produced. Further, subtle foods come directly from heaven.

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (148)

Q196 What is the ta’wili secret of verse (51:22): “Wa-fi’s-sama’i rizqukum wa-ma tucadun?”

A196 First translation: “And in the heaven is your sustenance and whatever is being promised you.” Second translation: “And it is the higher world where there is your (spiritual) sustenance, and that (i.e. resurrection) which has been/is being promised you.” Third translation: “And it is the Single Soul (shakhs-i wahdat) in whom there is your inner (batini) sustenance and that (spiritual resurrection) which is being promised you.”

Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (99)

This verse has been referred 2 times.