
Surah: 053 - Ayah: 037

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Wafiyy Ahmad (peace be upon him):

Root: waw, fa’, ya’ and ha’, mim, dal. Wafiyy means complete, perfect, true to one’s word, faithful, truthful, trustworthy, the one who gives and takes what is due to the people. Ahmad means highly praised and extolled. Here Ahmad is after the name of the Prophet. Thus Wafiyy Ahmad means the one who gives and takes the right on behalf of the Prophet and fulfils his word. This blessed name reveals the reality that the true Imam is from God and His Prophet. It should be remembered that the attribute of Wafiyy, namely, wafa’ (fulfilment) is an extremely great attribute, for God has praised the external and internal deeds, knowledge and recognition (cilm-u macrifat) of a great Prophet like Ibrahim by this one word wafa’, as He says: “Wa-Ibrahima’lladhi waffa (And Ibrahim who fulfilled” (53:37)).

Du'a Essence of Ibadat (74)

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