
Surah: 053 - Ayah: 041

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Allamah Sahib: Well, you should then start putting your spiritual life in order. For according to my knowledge, there is going to come a spiritual revolution in this world. However, you must realize that the revolution I am talking of is a process and may come cover a period of time which may vary from a year to 100 years. I believe that it has already started. If you have read the book “Psychic Research Behind the Iron Curtain! , you would be able to understand what I am talking about. There is nothing strange about it, for it is all in accordance with Allah’s will. For in the Surah (LIII: 41) God says, “SOON WE WILL SHOW THEM OUR SIGNS IN THE (furthest) REGIONS (of the earth), AND IN THEIR OWN SOULS, UNTIL IT BECOMES MANIFEST TO THEM THAT THIS IS THE TRUTH.” Those who are spiritually more alive will rap more fruits than those who have neglected their spiritual lives.

The Holy Qur'an in The Ism-I-Azam 27

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