
Surah: 056 - Ayah: 022

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Q53 Who are the houris mentioned in verses (56:22-23): “And houris with wide, beautiful eyes, like unto hidden pearls.” Are they not intellectual houris? Are their beautiful eyes not an example of the inner eye, which can see the secrets of the world of oneness (sacred Sanctuary)? Is there not an allusion to the Pearl of Intellect (hidden Book) in their being preserved like hidden pearls? Are the houris not extremely wonderful and marvellous, and due to their being in the sacred Sanctuary, are they not merged in God and in the surat-i Rahman? Is it not a revolutionary concept, in fact a bright proof that men and women can both progress spiritually up to merging in the surat-i Rahman?

A53 They are the intellectual houris. The beautiful eyes are the examples of the inner eye, which can see the secrets of the world of oneness (sacred Sanctuary). In their being preserved like hidden pearls there is an allusion to the Pearl of Intellect (hidden Book). Such houris are extremely miraculous because they are of intellect and knowledge and due to being in the sacred Sanctuary they are merged in God and in the surat-i Rahman (Image of the Compassionate). This is a very revolutionary concept, in fact, a bright reality that both men and women can progress up to surat-i Rahman.

Casket of Pearls Vol 1

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