
Surah: 056 - Ayah: 035

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related refs 31:28, 56:37?,

Q.6. You have frequently mentioned subtle body in your writings, but I understand that, in this connection, you have not given a Qur'anic reference. Would you kindly give us a Qur'anic reference in this connection?

A. "... And We are not powerless to change your mithai (personality) (an nubaddila amthalakum) and create you in what you know not" (56:60-61). This Qur'anic verse is regarding the subtle body which the people do not know now. It is also said: "Lo! We have created them (huris) as ought to be created and made them virgins" (56:35-36). That is to say that "We made them to pass through all the stages of worldly and physical life, and then made them virgins, namely, resurrected them in the subtle bodies after death". As Mawla Ali says that every muminah (faithful woman) becomes hawra', i.e. every muminah in paradise receives the subtle body. This means that the subtle body is a reality.

Precious Treasures 36

Hur (Subtle women)

In verses (56:35-37) there is an allusion to the great secret that God gives man a subtle body after the dense one, such as: "We created them (first in this world)", then "We made them virgins (in paradisiacal subtle body)", "beloved and equal in age". Equal in age in the sense that their azali creation from the Single Soul and their transformation from the dense into the subtle body is simultaneous (31:28).

Thousand Wisdoms 298 (158)

Q54 Are the houris of the second rank also mentioned in surah (56)?

A54 Yes, they are also mentioned in verses (56:35-38): “We created them (houris) a [specially new] creation [i.e. in the luminous body], and we made them virgins, loving [their husbands] equal in age, for the people of the right.” In paradise both men and women will have the luminous body (subtle body). Since they are born simultaneously in the personal world (paradise), they will be equal in age, and since they will leave the dense body and enter the subtle one, the women will be virgins.

Casket of Pearls Vol 1

O cazizan of heart and soul! Have firm certainty in the chain of the spiritual miracles of the cycle of resurrection! Gratitude to holy Mawla for his boundless favours is like the prosperity of paradise and the worship of the auspicious cid.

In addition to the happiness of knowledge and wisdom you have to also know that houris, ghilman and angels are not born in paradise, but God, may He be exalted, makes whoever He wills in the world of humanity into them, as alluded in the way of wisdom in verses (56:35-37) that He makes the houris of paradise from among the women of this world. Thus, paradise is indeed the junction of this world and the next world.

It is also a bright fact that the people of paradise are those of this world and they take all their hopes and desires with them from this world.

Confluence of Spiritual Science and Material Science (9)

This verse has been referred 6 times.