
Surah: 056 - Ayah: 088

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Wisdom of Rawh and Rayhan: God says in verses (56:88-89): "Then, if he is one of those who are drawn near (muqarrabin) (to Allah), (there is for him) rest, aromatic flowers and a garden of bliss". It should be noted that ruh (soul), rawh, rih (air) and rayhan are from the same root and therefore, they share a common meaning. That is, each of them has the meaning of these four words. For instance, the word ruh has the meanings of alive, comfort, air and aroma. Thus where ruh has the meaning of air, there it is melody and the sur of Israfil also, because the music of every musical instrument comes into being from air. But it should be remembered that the air of Paradise is praiseworthy.

Psalm of lovers 15

This verse has been referred 2 times.