
Surah: 056 - Ayah: 095

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Haqqu'l-yaqin or the truth of certainty, namely, the fundamental reality of certainty, by which is meant the light of the Qur’an (56:95, 69:51). Haqqu'l-yaqin is everything, such as, light of intellect, light of recognition, light of certainty, light of knowledge, light of faith, light of azal, light of Muhammad (may peace and salutation of God be on him and his progeny), etc. Since truth of certainty is the centre of the subtle (non-material) existents and quintessence of the external world, and as well the wisdom-filled model of the blessed fist of God giving and taking, hence it is the azali fountainhead of all things on the one hand, and on the other, the abadi compendium, rather the unity of all things (realities). Thus, it is this pearl, which the Divine Hand unfolds in the form of heaven and earth and everything and then rolls it up.

Book of Healing (138)

This verse has been referred 5 times.