
Surah: 067 - Ayah: 010

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Aql (Pearl of Intellect)

There is no doubt that punishment and reward depend on the intellect. The clear proofs of this are everywhere in the holy Qur’an, such as verse (67:10): "And they will say: Had we but listened or used our intellect, we would not have been among the inmates of the blazing fire." This shows that the fundamental disobedience and unforgivable sin is to turn one's face away from the guidance of the fountainhead of intellect and this disobedience was first perpetrated by Iblis.

Thousand Wisdoms 602 (320)

Hell is the punishment of adopting ignorance. Which of their sins do the inmates of Hell confess? “And they shall say: Had we but listened or used our intellect, we should not have been among the inmates of the burning fire” (67:10). From this it reveals that intellect, understanding, knowledge and wisdom have extremely great importance and esteem in Islam. For, all good works depend on them and it is through these that every kind of spiritual disease can be cured.

Book of Healing (177)

This verse has been referred 4 times.