
Surah: 069 - Ayah: 011

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Arshuhu - 2 (His Throne)

The parable of the Divine Throne on water (ocean) is among the highest parables of the personal world, as mentioned in the above and indeed, the same Throne is the “laden ark” (36:41) and the “floating ark” (69:11), namely the ark of salvation.

Thousand Wisdoms 569 (305)

Arshuhu - 3 (His Throne)

In verse (69:11), it is said: “Verily, when the water rose high, We bore you in the floating ark.” That is, when the flood of minor resurrection started in your time, We bore you in the ark of ahl-i bayt. This ark of salvation is the Throne of the ocean of knowledge also. And the Lord of the Throne is that majestic and august personality, in whom the people of the ark have to be annihilated and attain eternal life. It is because of this that in the laden ark nobody appears except the Face of God, because all of them have been annihilated and merged in him.

Thousand Wisdoms 570 (305)

This verse has been referred 2 times.