
Surah: 070 - Ayah: 004

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The Holy Qur'an is the source of the silent ayats (of God) and the pure Imam that of the speaking ones. The primary meaning of ayats is miracles. Thus for the mu'mins with insight, there is no place in the apparent (zahir) and hidden (batin) aspects of the rank of Imamat without the manifestation of miracles. For the Imam of the age is the absolute light of God and thus in his luminosity the miracles (ayats) are connected to him, just as rays are to the sun. However, it should be remembered that just as everything has an order, miracles also have an order. That is, they take place step by step. They can be compared with a ladder which is fixed from the earth to the Divine Throne, and whose journey, according to the literal sense of the Qur'an is (the duration of) fifty thousand years (70:4). This means that the details of the miracles, observed by those fortunate mu 'mins who, in following the footsteps of the Prophets and Imams, have reached the final stage of mi'raj (ascent) of ma'rifat, can be spread across fifty thousand years of human life. This is the order and abundance of miracles. But alas! people do not understand the principles and order of miracles and do not accept their keys, and all of a sudden demand miracles of an intermediary or higher level, which is very dangerous and causes destruction.

Studies in Spiritualism and Dreams 32

This verse has been referred 10 times.