
Surah: 070 - Ayah: 040

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Q.5. It is said in the surah of Maarij: "But nay I swear by the Lord of easts and wests that We are Able to transform them in a better state than this. And We are not powerless." (70:40-41). Where are more than one east and one west? How does the Lord nourish the east and the west? In what sense will God transform the people in a better state?

A. This verse is about the world of Intellect ( alam-i aql) where the same one place serves as the east and the west, but there the sun of light, by its rising and setting each time, demonstrates a new day of knowledge and a new night of wisdom, therefore, more than one east and one west are mentioned. The nourishment of the world of Intellect by the Lord is that it constantly receives the favour of Divine help (faydati-1 ta'yid) from the Divine Word (kalimah-i bari) . God can transform the people from the present body into a better state, in the sense that He is going to transform them into the subtle body (jism-i latif) .

Precious Treasures 36

This verse has been referred 1 times.