
Surah: 072 - Ayah: 003

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According to the people of marifat, to conceive as-sur as a trumpet or bugle is nothing more than a veil, for the reality is that through the angel Jadd (72:3), it is the soul- seizing and soul-giving melody of Divine love, i.e. it is a living, unique, unprecedented luminous flute, which for the friends of God, has the effect of fana'fi'llah (annihilation in God) and baqa'bi'llah (survival in God). In the above examples you have seen that among the meanings of the word "sur" are "to call (= dawat-i haqq)” "to cause to incline (=to make humble)", as well as "to cut (=to slaughter)". The slaughtering however is not with the usual knife, but with the dagger of Divine love. With it, Hazrat Ibrahim slaughtered his beloved son Hazrat Ismail in the path of God. Otherwise, the appellation Dhabihullah (Sacrificed for God) does not have any real meaning.

Psalm of lovers 28

The wise will understand that it is not fitting for Hazrat Isrfil, one of whose Qur’anic and titles is “Judd” (Glory of God, 72:3) to play an ordinary sur or trumpet. As he is the angle of Divine love, he plays the trumpet of Divine love. You should realise that the power of Divine love is greater than all other powers, whether external or internal. This Divine power can, not only revive the dead on the day of resurrection, but can, even today give real life to many many people, who whilst appearing to be alive because they move and walk, do not have real life and can accordingly be considered dead.

Pearls of marifat 75

Jadd (Israfil, angel of love)

Verse (72:3) says: "Exalted is Jadd (Glory) of our Lord; He has taken neither a wife nor a son." Jadd is the angel Israfil. When he blows his sur, a great glory of God appears. Indeed, he is the angel of Divine love.

Thousand Wisdoms 251 (136)

This verse has been referred 1 times.