
Surah: 072 - Ayah: 006

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Everything is mentioned in the wise Qur’an (16:89), therefore paris are also mentioned in it. They are mentioned in the subject of jinn, which is spread over fifty different places. The longest description of jinns i.e. paris is in the Suratu'l-jinn (72). In this Surah, in verse (72:6) the following words are also mentioned: “Rijalun mina'l-jinn (some men from among jinns)”. This means that there are men as well as women among jinns. A male jinn in Arabic is called jinni and a female jinniyyah. (See al-Munjid, al-Mawrid, Madd al-Qamus, etc.).

Book of Healing (182)

Jinn or Pari (fairy): Jinn is an Arabic word, which is used for invisible creatures. Its translation in original and old Persian is “pari (fairy)”. Some people have accepted jinn as male and pari as female, or as two different creatures, but the truth is that they are the same creature. Thus it is correct to say male jinn and female jinn (jinniyyah) or male pari and female pari and this is the concept of the wise Qur'an (72:6). It should be remembered that true knowledge concerning jinn or pari is extremely useful. You should study verses (72:1-15) and other related holy verses of the Qur’an minutely. For, `ibadat, spiritual excercise, observation and collective experience are the first condition of recognition (ma`rifat).

Book of Healing (233)

This verse has been referred 3 times.