Surah: 072 - Ayah: 028
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In the verse (72:28) God says: "And He has surrounded the knowledge of the prophets and has enumerated all things in a (single) number."
That is to say that all things, including the spirituality of the prophets, is encompassed in the manifest Imam. By the single number is meant the holy personality of the Imam of the time. It should be remembered that when God surrounds the things, this becomes their centrality and when God enumerates them, this becomes their unity. This is because of the fact that the meanings of the speech and act of God reach their climax.
Abwab al-jannah (Eight gates of paradise)
"And He has counted everything in a (special) number." (72:28) That is, He has encompassed everything in a single number.
Q26 In verse (72:28) it is said: “And He has encompassed everything in a number, i.e. single number.” Please explain the wisdom of this.
A26 By the number one is meant the holy personality of the Imam of the time. When God reckons all things in the holy personality of the Imam of the time, then in it their multiplicity becomes unity or oneness.
Symbolic Language I said : He said
I said: The Holy Qur’an says: God has surrounded all the states of knowledge and recognition of the Messengers and has duly counted everything (72:28).
He said: This God has done in the Perfect Man’s personal world, for it is he who is the Guarded Tablet. Know that "surrounding" is in the sense that He, the Knowing, the Wise, has built a strong wall around the secret sciences of the Prophets so that no one can enter without their permission, just as He made the Holy Prophet the city of knowledge and Mawla cAli its gate. One should also remember here that the enumeration of all things by God is in the sense that He, the Wise, has contained all things in the number one, and such a number which is one but is everything is the light of Intellect.
This verse has been referred 8 times.