
Surah: 073 - Ayah: 006

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What is the greatest obstacle in the path of spiritual progress? It is the animal soul or the carnal soul, which you cannot remove, but you can purify and dissolve it by trampling on it and its desires. There are many ways of trampling on it, but the most effective method is rising at night (and doing `ibadat) (73:6). This method, in addition to being effective in trampling the animal soul, is also effective in straightening the speech. Here, by speech, first is meant `ibadat-u dhikr, and secondly, every kind of speech. Not only does the pronunciation become clear by the vigil of the night, but also every kind of speech and expression becomes purified by its blessing, from all kinds of slips and becomes acceptable to and understandable by all.

Book of Healing (126)

This verse has been referred 4 times.