
Surah: 074 - Ayah: 008

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Q. In Kawkab-i Durri, Chapter 3, manqabat 56, there is the saying of Mawla Ali: "I am the naqur (=Sur-i Israfil) about which God has said: When the Naqur is blown" (74:8). In what sense can the blessed Imam be the naqur and why?
A. The holy personality that you believe as light, is the light of the external and internal senses. That is, the light of Imamat, which is the light of guidance, acts according to every external and internal sense of man. In other words, the same one light has numerous manifestations, so that it is both guidance as well as a bounty for the eye, the ear, the nose, etc. Thus a manifestation of light is also in naqur.

Psalm of lovers 36

This verse has been referred 2 times.