
Surah: 074 - Ayah: 030

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Q33 In verse (74:30) it is said: “Over it (Hell) are nineteen [angels]”. There are also nineteen letters in Bismi’llah. Could you tell us the ta’wili secret of the number of these angels? Why is it this number? Also what task are they appointed for?

A33 The ta’wil of the nineteen angels who are appointed over hell and the nineteen letters of Bismi’llah are: the seven lords of the major cycle (six natiqs and the qa’im) and their twelve hujjats, and the seven Imams and their twelve hujjats of jazarahs of the minor cycle, who are appointed to guide people towards the paradise of knowledge from the hell of ignorance.

Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (22)

This verse has been referred 2 times.