
Surah: 076 - Ayah: 002

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Wisdom 29: It is said in verse (76:2): "Indeed, We have created (every) man from mingled sperm." This is an universal law, from which no human being can be exempted, whether Hazrat Adam, Hazrat cIsa or any other human being who has descended to the earth in the ibdaci body, because, other than God, there is nobody without parents. You should observe everything in the light of circle-like wisdom.

Manifestations of Wisdom 28

Mulk (Kingdom)

Study verse (76:2) carefully, in which the greatest rank of paradise is the magnificent kingdom (mulk-i kabir), as mentioned: "When you see, you will see there bounties and a magnificent kingdom." However, true knowledge and good deeds are pre-requisites in order to attain this exalted rank.

Thousand Wisdoms 847 (443)

The word insan including ins and insiyyan is mentioned 84 times in the Qur’an. It is a common word which applies not only to the children of Adam but also to the first Adam as mentioned about the creation of man in general in verse (76:2). It is an universal law that every human being is created from both a mother and a father and this law applies equally to all including Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Isa, because with respect to the body they were also human beings.

Fruits of Paradise (38)

This verse has been referred 5 times.