
Surah: 076 - Ayah: 021

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Sharaban tahura (Extremely pure wine)

Verse (76:21) says: "And their Lord shall give them to drink an extremely pure wine." By this wine is meant the Divine vision which is the wine of love, and by drinking which the friends of God become and remain pure.

Thousand Wisdoms 472 (253)

Special points of the heavenly love are among the esoteric secrets of the Wise Qur'an, such as the comparison of love for the wali, the Prophet and God to the wines of Paradise. One such parable is the pure wine (76:21), by which is meant the heavenly love which duly purifies the heart of the people of faith. This wine of true love is both in this world as well as in Paradise. Nonetheless, it is required more in this world, because it is here that there is always the danger of the contamination of disobedience and sin, whereas in Paradise there is no such danger.

Practical Sufism and Spiritual Science (83)

This verse has been referred 3 times.