Surah: 082 - Ayah: 006
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Study the verses (82:6-12) carefully, where in the sixth verse is mentioned the way the Benevolent Lord favours man according to the nature of His attributes and the negligence of man from Him. In verse seven, the completion of the physical creation of man is alluded to, then his equalisation (taswiyah) and straightening (ta`dil) in his spiritual progress. In verse eight, “fi ayyi suratin ma sha'a rakkabaka (Into whatsoever form He wills, He casts you)” are mentioned the spiritual form and the intellectual form, that man is given all possible forms by casting him in spiritual and intellectual moulds. This is the supreme reward of melting in the fire of Divine love. Thus, it is possible for every man to be moulded in the mould of the Single Soul (31:28) and to adopt the form of it and of all its copies. If he achieves this supreme bliss, he attains his own whole and perfection.
This verse has been referred 1 times.