
Surah: 083 - Ayah: 007

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related refs 83:9, 83:18,

In the surah of Tatfif, it is said: "Nay, but the record of vile is in Sijjln. Ah', what will convey unto thee what Sijjln is'. A written record" (83:7-9). Sijjin is the false guide and he is in the form of a false book and thus the collective record of deeds of the vile is confined in the narrowness of Sijjin.

In the same surah, it is said: "Nay, but the (collective) record of the righteous is in Illiyin. Ah', what will convey unto thee what Illiyun is! A written record. The near ones are present at it" (83:18-21). Illiyin is the true guide, whose rank is at the extreme height of the highest paradise and in whose holy light lies the collective record of the righteous. He is the living and speaking book of truth (haqq) and truthfulness (sidq), the spiritual aspect of which is possible to observe, not only in the Hereafter, but also in this world.

Precious Treasures 46

This verse has been referred 1 times.