
Surah: 083 - Ayah: 023

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The Righteous on the Throne (ara’ik): the righteous in Paradise will sit on thrones and view (delightful sights) (83:23). The Qur’anic term for thrones is ara’ik, which is the plural of arikah which is the synonyms of arsh. By ara’ik or arikah is meant the Light of Intellect. Thus the people of Paradise will be sitting on thrones of Intellect and their personality will be an intellectual light. A material example of this is proved by a burning candle. The wax is the soul of the mu’min in Paradise, the flame is the Throne of Intellect and its subtle light which spreads and is linked to the flame is like the subtle personality of the people of Paradise, omnipresent and simple. Thus the Intellectual “IEof the mu’min sitting on the throne of Paradise can view the spatial and the non-spatial worlds.

Pure Intellect 20

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