
Surah: 111 - Ayah: 001

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Kitab maknun 5 (Hidden Book)

There is a consummate wisdom hidden in every Qur'anic verse. That is, a wisdom which is lofty and penetrating and in which a great secret of the sacred Sanctuary is hidden, even though the verse may be about Abu Lahab, such as (111:1): "Abu Lahab's two hands perished and he also perished." That is, he would not be able to touch the hidden Book in the future, because his two inner hands had perished and he too had perished spiritually.

Thousand Wisdoms 711 (377)

According to the verse (111:1) both the hands of Abu Lahab perished and he himself perished. Here the point worth pondering is, why do the hands of Abu Lahab, the infidel, first perish and then he himself perishes? The reason for this is that the external Intellect and the internal intellect are as two hands of man, when they do not serve religion, then as a result, they perish and thereby the disobedient man also dies spiritually.

Precious Treasures 40

This verse has been referred 2 times.