A Thousand Wisdoms - Chapter Tha'
Chapter Tha'
Tags: Tha'
239 - Thabit
It is said in verse (14:24): "Its root is firm and its branch is in the heaven." That is, the root of the tree of Imamat, which is the holy Prophet, is very firm, and its branch is in the higher world, where the sweet fruit of the knowledge and wisdom of the Imam of the time is prepared.
240 - Thu`ban
"Then he (Musa) flung down his staff and lo! it was a manifest serpent." (7:17; 26:32). For the Perfect Men the supreme Name or ism-i a`zam of God is the miracle of the staff of Hazrat Musa. Thus, there are many examples of how the supreme Name turns into a serpent in the personal world:
- When the spiritual revolution takes place the personal world or microcosm becomes like a serpent and devours the macrocosm.
- In the spiritual battle between the truth and falsehood the successful dhikr of ism-i a`zam works like the staff of Hazrat Musa.
- Perfect intellect and profound wisdom are like a serpent which swallows the countless arguments of false religions.
241 - Thiqal
It is said in verse (13:12): "He it is Who shows you the lightning to frighten and give hope, and He creates heavy cloud." This address of God is to `arifs and kamils who are the representatives of the people of faith. They have the honour of having open luminous vision (zahiri nurani didar), which is like lightning. The sages have called this manifestation mubdi` and mubda` and, in reality, this is the manifestation of the name "az-zahir", because this holy name is not only for utterance, but it also has an actual and real manifestation.
242 - Thaqalayn (1)
Two weighty things: It is said in a Hadith: "I am going to leave among you two important (weighty) things, of which one is greater than the other: the Book of Allah, which is a rope extended from the heaven to the earth, one end of which is with Allah and the other is in your hands. Thus hold it firmly and also my `itrat (progeny)”. (Muslim, IV, 1873; Kawkab, p. 171; Sharh, X, 479-80).
243 - Thaqalayn (2)
Two weighty things:
A Hadith says: "I have left behind two important things among you, one of the two is greater than the other, as a rope which is linked from heaven to the earth, the Book of Allah and the other my `itrat, my ahl-i bayt. They will never separate from one another until they come to me at the pond of Kawthar." (Sharh, X, 481).
244 - Thaqalayn (3)
Two weighty things:
The most authentic and clear statement about `itrat is that they are the close relatives of a person, such as his children, grand-children and cousins. Thus, the `itrat of the Prophet are: children, i.e. Fatimah, grand-children, i.e. Hasan and Husayn and cousin brother, i.e. `Ali bin Abi Talib (s.a.) (Ibid, X, 480)
245 - Thalathah
See verses (56:1-11): "... And you will be three groups: those of the right hand, how (happy) will be those of the right hand! And (then) those of the left hand, how (miserable) will be those of the left hand! And the foremost in the race, are the foremost in the race: Those are they who are brought near (to Allah)." All such necessary events are observed and experienced in the personal world, which is the path of spirituality and the journey of recognition. The ultimate destination of this blessed and sacred journey is in the forehead of the salik.
246 - Thamma
In the wisdom-filled words of verse (2:115) God says: "And wherever you turn, there is the face of Allah." From this Qur'anic law it is evident that although God is beyond and free from spatial and non-spatial worlds, yet by His omnipotence He is present everywhere. And what a clear and blessed allusion there is that He truly dwells in the heart of His servants too. This is the reason that one's own recognition is considered necessary and essential (for the sake of the recognition of God), so that by offering the sacrifice of dying before (physical) death, the hidden treasure of His vision and recognition may be attained. (see Wajh `Aliyy [Wisdom 924]).
247 - Thamaniyah
It is said in verse (69:17): "And that day eight will bear the Throne (`arsh) of your Lord." Here by the Throne is meant the light of intellect (nur-i `aql), which is in the blessed forehead of the seven Imams of ahl-i bayt, and whenever a mu'min man or woman becomes annihilated in the Imam of the time through personal resurrection, then he or she also becomes the bearer of the light of the Throne, that is, the light of intellect (57:12, 57:19; 66:8).
248 - Thamarat (1)
It is said in verse (16:67): "And in the fruits of the date-palms and the vines, from which you obtain inebriating drinks and goodly nourishment: Verily in this is a sign for the people who understand." These two kinds of trees which are mentioned in this verse are examples of the Prophets and Imams, and the wine of (true) love is obtained from the fruits of their recognition. This is because God has made the inner elegance and beauty and perfection of the light of Prophethood and the light of Imamat the means of true love.
249 - Thamarat (2)
It is mentioned in verse (16:11): "He grows with it (water), crops for you, and the olive, and the date-palm, and grapes and all kinds of fruit. Verily, in this is a sign for those who reflect." This is an example of the prosperity of the personal world from the water of spiritual rain, and the manifestation of the Universal Intellect, the Universal Soul, natiq and asas and the benefits of other hudud.
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