
Surah: 066 - Ayah: 008

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All these realities and gnoses are mentioned to make it evident that, although there is a world of difference between the rapid dhikr and the running of light, nonetheless, there is compatibility and unity between the two. For their goal is the same. The former is the first stage and the latter is the last one, and both are for the perfection of the personality. Thus it is wise for the mu'min that, in addition to fulfilling all obligations, he should use the panacea of rapid dhikr in order to cure all his spiritual diseases, so that he may attain the light of recognition in which lies his perfection and completion (66:8).

Book of Healing (263)

Q331 It is mentioned in verse (66:8): “O our Lord! Perfect for us our light.” At which stage is this prayer made to God? What makes the light of recognition perfect? Is this light individual or collective?


  • Mu’mins (men and women) make this prayer in the sacred Sanctuary.
  • The perfection of light is through [attaining] the secrets of recognition.
  • This light is both collective and individual, because the personal world is both one and many, and all the events of resurrection take place within the personal world.
Casket of Pearls Vol 1 (160)

This verse has been referred 30 times.