Caskets of Pearls Vol. 2 - Casket of Pearls 71
Casket of Pearls 71
Tags: Friends of Allah, Hazrat Maryam, Giryah-u Zari, Dog, Idolatry
Q701 Related to this sublime topic, it is said in Surah-yi Maryam (19:95): "Wa kulluhum atihi yawma'l-Qiyamati farda". Please explain this to us.
- Translation: "Each one of them shall come before Him all alone on the day of Qiyamat."
- Every one of them becomes merged in the Perfect Man and he alone becomes the Single Person on their behalf. Since all of them are united in him, therefore he represents everybody.
Q702 The following Sacred hadith is in the beginning of the hadith-i Nawafil: "Inna'llaha qala: Man `ada li waliyyan faqad adhantuhu bi'l-harb = Allah says: whoever shows enmity to one of My friends, I shall declare war with him."21 To which noble verse is this Sacred hadith linked?
A702 Many Qur'anic verses are about the friends of Allah. See also in Surah-yi Yunus (10:62-64): "Be it known that verily for the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve. They are (in reality) those who believe and fear God. For them are glad tidings in the life of this world and in the hereafter – there is no changing in the words (kalimat-i tammat) – that is the great achievement (and bliss)."
Q703 When some unfortunate person shows enmity towards Allah's friend (wali), why does Allah become so displeased that He declares war on him, whereas there are many other evil people in our world?
A703 Allah's friends on this earth are His army and to show enmity towards any of Allah's soldiers is tantamount to having enmity with Him. So why should there not be from the very beginning, a declaration of war against such an ill-fated person?
Q704 From the above Qur'anic teaching we learn that in the beginning Allah's friends are very fearful and only later do they attain peace to a great extent. What is the reason for this?
- It is the law of nature and of religion that you should continue to choose heavenly love and giryah-u zari, you should fear disobedience, you should advance in every good deed and progress in knowledge, `ibadat and service.
- Endeavour to the extent that you can experience `Izra'ili miracles in this life. If you are blessed with the help of one of Allah's friends, not only will you be able to recognise Allah's friends but you will be able to count yourself amongst them.
- When the angels give you every type of glad tidings, your fear and distress will vanish.
Q705 The following part of the above-mentioned verse (10:64) needs explanation: "La tabdila li kalimati'llah = there is no changing in the words of Allah." Is there some secret in this?
- Yes, indeed there is a great secret in it, which is that there are kalimat-i tammat for Allah's friends (`arifs) at the stages of spirituality, which act as the source of knowledge and wisdom.
- Moreover there are glad tidings in them, therefore it is stated that whatever promises and good news they are given are all unchangeable.
- Check in Surah-yi Tahrim (66:12) which shows that heavenly Books and kalimat-i tammat are two separate things.
Q706 You have referred us to Surah-yi Tahrim (66:12), the translation of which is: "And (Allah) gives the example of Maryam, the daughter of `Imran, who guarded her private parts, therefore We breathed into it Our Spirit, and she testified to the truth of her Lord's words and His Scriptures, and she was one of the obedient." Please give us its ta'wil.
- Maryam (May peace be through her) guarded her ears from the talk of the people of falsehood, then Allah breathed His Holy Spirit [also called light, 42:52] into them, by which the spiritual resurrection took place. In the light of this qiyamat she testified to her Lord's kalimat-i tammat and His Books and she was from the obedient ones.
- Maryam (May peace be through her) is an example of a hujjat in the hudud-i din. You can also call a hujjat a perfect `arif.
Q707 Who can say that the magnificent giryah-u zari of the Prophets and Imams used to be devoid of the light of Divine love? In the light of knowledge and wisdom, please tell us what were the meanings gathered in the giryah-u zari of Allah's friends?
- Here it is not a question of a few meanings, because until a huge army of sublime meanings does not attack the mu'min's soul, it cannot do fervent giryah-u zari with ardent love.
- Be certain that fervent giryah-u zari with ardent love is the foundational miracle of spiritual progress, without which the doors of Divine mercy do not open.
Q708 A noble hadith states: "La tadkhulu'l-mala'ikatu baytan fihi kalbun wa la tasawiru = Angels do not enter a house where there is a dog or pictures (idols)."22 Please give us the ta'wil of this hadith.
- Angels do not enter the heart in which there is the dog of anger or the idols of worldly attachment.
- If the heart's house is free from the dog of anger, pictures (idols), and every type of pollution, only then do the angels of mercy and knowledge come into it.
Q709 Idolatry is severely condemned in the wise Qur'an. Is it limited to the physical aspect or is it firmly rooted in the heart as well?
A709 The most fatal type of idolatry is found in the heart, from which it is not possible for every individual to escape. However Allah fills the hearts of His friends with His sacred love by which they become free from the love of others.
Q710 This magnificent verse which we cannot praise enough is in Surah-yi Ra`d (13:28): "Ala bi dhikri'llahi tatmai'nnu'l-qulub = Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find peace." Please tell us a great wisdom of remembering Allah.
- There are many types of remembrance of Allah and they have several stages. I have also written a book called "", which has been published.
- Real dhikr is done with the living ism-i a`zam and the ladder of peace attained from it has reached the heights of the Sacred Sanctuary.
- What Allah refers to as 'peace' is complete peace. It is the greatest treasure and is the "Paradise for the sake of recognition" (47:6).
21Al-Bukhari, p. 1127, hadith 6502.
22Ibid., p. 538, hadith 3225.
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